Oh my sweet little girl-where do I even begin? You’re a one-year-old now! I can’t believe this year has passed already. I can remember your “birth” day vividly. I had secretly hoped you’d be born this day-it’s also your Great Grandma Janet’s birthday, and your late Great Granddad Bob’s birthday. I had made it through the heat of summer, two fairs with record temperatures and passed your due date of Aug. 27. I had an appointment later in the morning and I had hoped that some how I would know that you would indeed be born that Friday. I didn’t want to have to be induced, but I also really wanted you to share a birthday with two people so very special to me. When I couldn’t sleep that night, I prayed that God would do what was best (as I know His plan is best.), then finally fell asleep. In the middle of the night-about 1 a.m., I awoke to my water breaking. My sign that you indeed were going to be born that day!
When my water broke with your older sister E, she came within a couple hours, so I was fully prepared for the same quick delivery. You decided to take your time, and waited until 10:12 a.m. to make your appearance. You were perfect in every way, and my heart grew larger again as I held you in my arms for the first time. Daddy and I knew that you truly completed our family, and we couldn’t imagine our life without you.
You have brought us such immense joy this year. Your siblings ADORE you, and everyone who sees you comments on how adorable you are; especially in your glasses. The hardest day of my life was sending you off to surgery to remove a cataract on your eye, and yet even though it was scary, I felt much peace through the whole thing. And we certainly feel so blessed for early intervention, the wisdom of your doctors and the fact that this was pretty minor, considering, and not life-threatening.
You’re really quite the happy baby, laughing and babbling all the time. You say mama and dada, and wave hello and goodbye. You can stand up on your own, walk while holding onto things and crawl as fast as you can. You have eight teeth and one first-year molar popped through last week. You are starting to pull up on everything and get into everything-usually it’s the paper recycling or book shelves in my office. More baby proofing to do! You eat pretty much everything. We really enjoyed the baby food pouches (they didn’t have those with the other kids). Super convenient and fast! You love fruits, veggies, bread, meat, oatmeal and yogurt. Haven’t found many foods you don’t like. You love the water and enjoy bath time and going swimming at your grandparents’ pool. I thought you might be walking by your birthday, but really I’m glad you’re not. You can stay little awhile longer; please, please.
We love you so, so much Brynleigh Bear!