I had to play around with the title a little bit because we shot most of this session on the runway! And, really Julie is model beautiful! When she contacted me this fall about a Your Story Glamour session, I was totally thrilled to find out she was a helicopter pilot! How different and cool! I was excited she wanted to incorporate she and her husband’s hobby into a portrait photography session.
She contacted me through a referral, and I’m so thankful she did. Originally, wanting to provide this session for her husband as a Christmas gift, I think it became just as much a gift for herself. I sensed she was a little nervous at first, which I understand. I’ve been on the other side of the camera before, so I do know how it feels. But, it’s my job to help my clients feel great about themselves and to relax enough to share their real selves.
And, we were both thrilled with the results! In fact, she was so excited with her images, she couldn’t wait until Christmas for the big reveal and shared her gallery with her hubby. Julie-you a beautiful woman both inside and out. It was such a pleasure working with you!
I think every woman should have a portrait session done at some point, preferably sooner than later. I know it’s easy to put ourselves on the back burner as we devote time to family, work and other commitments. Or we say we’ll do it when we lose that extra weight or whatever. But, we never know when that might be or what might happen in the meantime. You are beautiful right now, no matter if you’re short, tall, slender or curvy. YOU are beautiful. And, you should celebrate that.
Check out a couple other Beautiful Woman here sessions and here.
I also have to give a shout out to my assistant for the night, Elizabeth McKinney. She was willing and excited to help me provide Julie with an even more amazing experience with professional make-up, hair touch-ups and styling. It was awesome to have her with us that night. Thanks Elizabeth!