Monthly Archives: April 2015
Last weekend we loaded up our family and headed down to Reno, Nev., to attend the Western National Angus Futurity. Our oldest daughter would be showing Angus cattle there for the first time and our ranch also had several animals to exhibit. We raise registered seedstock cattle and show them at fairs and national shows to advertise the genetics we …
Posted in Family, Getting Personal, Livestock, My Everyday
Tagged Angus, cattle, family, lifestyle, livestock, ranch, showing

One of the reasons I love my baby plan clients is getting to see a little one as they first enter the world as a tiny newborn, then again as a squishy 6 month old. They have grown and changed so much in half a year’s time. By 6 months old, babies are usually smiling, laughing and babbling, grabbing fingers …
Posted in Baby, Essence
Tagged 6 months old, baby girl, Essence session, mini-session, studio
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