It’s been a couple weeks since our county fair and as I go through the photos, the memories come flooding back. The whole week was exciting and exhausting, but well-worth all the hard work and effort. Fair week is the culmination of a whole year of work. This was our oldest’s fourth year and our second daughter’s first year in 4-H.
The girls both showed on the same morning, so I helped with sheep while my husband helped with the cattle. Luckily the show rings weren’t too far from each other so I could go back and forth and was able to catch each of the girls in their classes. My inlaws were there so we kept texting back and forth to see what was happening and keeping tabs on the classes.
MJ didn’t feel very well the morning of the show and ended up getting sick a few times, but she showed through it. We were proud of her for not giving up and doing her best despite feeling less than par.
E was ready to go right from the start. She has worked really hard with her lambs this year. At a cattle show earlier this summer, the judge had said she probably had the most determination of anyone in the class. Well, that was certainly evident on fair show day as well. She was focused and ready to do her best. Both of the girls did very well, but more importantly, they had fun. The week was full of keeping animals and barn clean, helping others when they needed it, spending time with friends, supporting other club members showing, visiting with people walking through the barns and being good representatives of our club and our community.