We spent another fun, family weekend on the road at a junior livestock show. It’s a lot of work, but so worth it to see the kids compete, hang out with friends, and have fun.
E showed her heifer and two sheep this weekend. She had some tough competition and did a good job. Each time she goes into the ring she learns something new. Win or Learn, but never Lose is the motto of the Snake River Show Circuit, and we think it’s a great one to live by. We’re proud of how hard she worked. It was a long week with lots of early mornings and late nights, but the memories made are worth it.
MJ showed her two heifers and did a great job. We were excited to walk away with the top prizes at the show, but more importantly the girls made some new friends, did some things out of their comfort zones (participated in a livestock judging contest and gave oral reasons) and had fun!