Wow, what a crazy Idaho winter we’ve had. We haven’t seen this much snow for awhile. It seems like it’s snowing every day. One day it was coming down so fast, but it didn’t accumulate that much. After that, we got quite the storm, then freezing rain, then more snow.
I’ve been trying to get out and shoot all these winter scenes because it’s a different look than the rest of the year. Everything is covered in white. All the snow makes things take longer to do on the ranch, but it really is pretty. Hopefully the temperatures will raise again. This below 0 stuff is not fun and is harder on the animals. We’ve had a few calves born already and keeping them warm and dry has been a challenge.
The kids and I have bundled up a few times and trudged through the pasture to a hill to go sledding. It’s not quite as fun when we have to head back home, ha! I figure if we have snow on the ground, we might as well enjoy it!
I admit, I’d rather be warm then cold, but I also like that in Idaho we usually have four seasons. I’m going to focus on the beauty that comes with winter. Yes, the ground is barren, dark and cold, but spring will come again. Being a farmer’s daughter and a rancher’s wife, I just always think about the weather…at least all this snow will spring much needed moisture for the spring and summer!
Do you love winter? What’s your favorite thing about winter?