Category Art

When you live on a ranch and photograph cows a lot sometimes they all start looking the same. I admit, they aren’t super exciting, albeit I still find something beautiful about where we live and work. Lots of wide open spaces around here. I’m always asking myself how can I make the same scene look different? Just like when I’m …

What’s on your Christmas list? If you like to stay organized or know someone who does, a 2018 planner would be a great idea! I learned about the Heart of the Farm Planner in 2016 on Instagram. Late in the year I purchased my first HOTF planner and really liked the design and layout. Cory has a really neat shop …

I’ll never tire of watching the sun set on another day in Idaho. When I take the time to stop and reflect on the day, whether good or bad, easy or hard, I choose gratitude knowing I am exactly where I’m supposed to be. It’s the last day of July and with that our summer is quickly coming to a close. …

Oh how I love summer nights around here. Summer nights filled with perfectly golden yummy light. And this view. Oh, how I LOVE summer nights on the ranch.