Tag Archives: senior portraits

It’s hard to say I have a favorite kind of photography session because each one offers me a unique opportunity to work as an artist, create memories for my clients, and capture their unique and personal stories. I enter each YOURStory session with this goal in mind, and this is why I specialize in these sessions and make them the …

It’s hard to pick a favorite from this senior girl’s portraits as Miss A is such a charming, funny, beautiful young woman. We had fun finding locations and clothing to highlight her favorite activities and her personality during her YOURStory senior portrait session. Softball was important to her during high school, and we captured some unique images highlighting the …

When you get to meet with a fun, sweet senior girl and take her portraits, it’s always a good day. I’ve know Miss A for many years now, watching her grow up and compete in 4-H and FFA events at our local fair, attend church together, and see her change into a lovely young woman. Wishing you the very best …

The reason I do this; the reason I love photography is the opportunity to tell stories. Stories of hope. Kyle’s story is definitely one of hope. Last summer, 17-year-old Kyle decided to use his upcoming senior project to give back to an organization that helped he and his family through a difficult time as he faced a …