Category Your Story

I loved capturing new fall family portraits for this family. We found some pretty spots around their country property, as it’s my goal to photograph people where they live and love. Besides photographing the smiling and looking photos, we always make time to capture the in-between moments that show the love and affection among family members. Big sister has such …

It’s that time of year when we start breeding fall cows. Last week Josh and the kids worked cattle together. It reminded me of the cow work we did in the spring. Basically, it was all the same routine, just a different season. The cows were sorted into different breeding groups and the calves separated from them. It’s much easier …

While we may be a long way from Texas, the Longhorn breed reminiscent of cattle drives and western movies has found a home in the Gem State. “I had always wanted some Longhorns,” says Nick Noyes of Running N Longhorns in Fruitland. “I kept seeing a herd along the highway in Rigby and finally decided to buy some. Our family …

It’s that time of year when lots of families are thinking about scheduling fall family portraits. I think if 2020 has taught us anything—as if we didn’t know it before—it is that life is unpredictable. We truly never know what tomorrow brings, and capturing your family at this particular time in your life will become more valuable over time. And …

We’re excited to be headed out this week to another Idaho Junior Beef Expo! Especially after the year we’ve had with so many events and activities cancelled, this is a happy day for the family. We’ve created so many memories at this show through the years. Better late than never to post last year’s! LOL!

We moms—we women—put so much pressure on ourselves. We’re bombarded with choices to make for ourselves and our children the minute the pregnancy test shows two pink lines. Breast or bottle, work outside or stay home with the kids, jarred baby food or homemade, co-sleep or crib, cloth or disposable diapers—the list truly goes on… and on… And …

Oh how I love these girls! It was so fun they all celebrated a milestone “Sweet 16” birthday within a couple months of each other last fall. (Yes, I realize how behind I am in blogging, but hey, maybe #quarantine is good for something…like catching up.) We decided to commemorate the occasion with a friends photo shoot. They each are …

During a lifestyle newborn session, I spend some time being more of a fly on the wall and capturing moments as they would happen as if I wasn’t there. Miss M was just the sweetest baby, and the love her parents have for her and each other was so clear the day we met. I loved being able to capture …

As an Idaho newborn lifestyle photographer, I love capturing baby nursery details. From the ultrasound photo and first books to the photo on the wall of her daddy as a young boy, Miss A’s sweet little room has personal touches everywhere. I encourage clients to find something meaningful like a blanket or keepsake to use in their sessions. Those personal …

I love being an Idaho baby photographer and have photographed this little cutie since she was a bump in her mama’s belly. How can it be there she’s a year old already?! It was fun to capture her early toddling steps and see how’s she’s grown and changed since her newborn and six month sessions. I love that her mama …

Fun couple. Check. Gorgeous setting. Check. Beautiful weather. Check. Bug spray. Check. (It is mosquito season, after all! LOL!) Michelle is a hop farmer, and our ties to agriculture brought us together. I love meeting other farmers and ranchers, and learning about what they do. We got together for an event she was hosting (stay tuned for those images) and …

By Dolly, She’s One! I can hardly believe she’s had her first birthday party already! This little dumplin‘ is the sweetest thing. Her mama came up with the cutest idea for this girl’s first birthday celebration—who doesn’t love Dolly?! I was so excited to design her custom invitation to match the theme too. Hannah thought of so many fun details …

From Tween to Teen! We recently celebrated this girl hitting a milestone birthday! Planning a 13th birthday party for girls is so fun, especially with the help of my party planning SIL, Stephanie. She did amazing putting our patio and decor together for the event. Emma had requested a backyard movie party, similar to her sister’s 13th birthday party. We …

I love custom designing invitations and other paper products for our family’s personal celebrations, as well as using client images to create one-of-kind invitations for their special occasions. The paper invitation gives the first impression of the upcoming event. It shares a hint as to the style and theme, whether it’s casual or formal. It also provides important details like …

Oh little Jack. It was fun to have this little one year old in for a studio session recently. He was just learning to walk. At this stage, babies have so much personality. They are starting to babble too. One of his words was “Alexa!” Mom told me at home he loves to hear Alexa play Baby Shark! We played …

It’s hard to say I have a favorite kind of photography session because each one offers me a unique opportunity to work as an artist, create memories for my clients, and capture their unique and personal stories. I enter each YOURStory session with this goal in mind, and this is why I specialize in these sessions and make them the …

Our boy had wanted to show a pig in 4-H ever since he was six years old. Jayten talked about pigs all the time. His first oral presentation contest talk was on the cuts of pork when he was a Cloverbud (not old enough to compete, but could do projects for display). He loved helping his friend with his pigs …

It’s hard to pick a favorite from this senior girl’s portraits as Miss A is such a charming, funny, beautiful young woman. We had fun finding locations and clothing to highlight her favorite activities and her personality during her YOURStory senior portrait session. Softball was important to her during high school, and we captured some unique images highlighting the …

When you get to meet with a fun, sweet senior girl and take her portraits, it’s always a good day. I’ve know Miss A for many years now, watching her grow up and compete in 4-H and FFA events at our local fair, attend church together, and see her change into a lovely young woman. Wishing you the very best …

We feel very blessed with our life and raising our kids on a cattle ranch. We are able to have a rural lifestyle that allows for lots of time outdoors in the fresh air, running around, doing outside chores, learning responsibility by taking care of animals and the land in our care. Other life lessons that just come naturally with …

I love all the baby stages, but there is something about six month photos that always make my heart flutter. Babies at this age (photos are usually taken anywhere from 5-8 months when they are able to sit unassisted) are just such a joy. It’s usually cuteness overload because babies are smiling, sometimes laughing, and are becoming so expressive. This …

This is my favorite season! Not only is it time for pumpkin spice everything, apple cider and fall foliage, it’s fall calving time! Our cattle herd is divided into two breeding groups—the spring cows calve January through March. The fall cows calve August through October. And while anytime a new calf is born is cause for celebration, the fall calves …

Silly and six. She’s a little sassy too. LOL! That’s a pretty good description of the little miss these days. She started Kindergarten this fall and is loving it so far. With each birthday, we see more and more of her personality. And I’ll never tire of capturing it—the silly, sassy and sometimes, serious side. To say she brings us …

“The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy still continue, fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise. The Lord is all I have and so I put my hope in Him.” Lamentations 3:22-24 Sunrises and sunsets remind me of my friend, Julie. Even before she passed away, if I saw a great one, she would come to mind because I …

Oh sweetness! I was thrilled to have this seven month old and her big brother in the studio recently. Their grandma is a friend of mine who has done some great work with a community organization I’ve supported. I photographed brother when he was a baby and it was fun to see these siblings together. I truly love all the …

I’m so excited to share this sweet modern and feminine nursery and the sweetest little babe who calls it home. Baby O‘s room is full of something old, something new, something borrowed, and a few things blush. I love all the details Hannah used to create a nursery that reflects her childhood, the bond of family, and her and Joe’s …

This little lady was prayed for and loved long before she arrived, but has everyone even more smitten now that she’s here. And she took her sweet time too, overshooting her due date, having us all wonder when she was going to make her appearance. She’s in good company though as her Lolli, great aunt and her uncle all have …

Oh the many faces this girl makes crack me up! She’s not lacking personality. I want to capture it all—the smile, the silly, the stinker face, the serious! It’s all part of who she is. These childhood sessions are so fun because I can just let the kids be and they show me so much expression. These wild sunflowers always …

It’s calving time! (Cue the Semisonic lyrics. Anyone else think of It’s Closing Time? Just me? Mkay.) Thankfully it’s been a mild winter so calving this year hasn’t been that hard on the cattle or the guys. Last year there was so much snow and we had to bring many pairs into the barn to calve or right after calving, …