Tag Archives: farm kid

It’s that time of year when lots of families are thinking about scheduling fall family portraits. I think if 2020 has taught us anything—as if we didn’t know it before—it is that life is unpredictable. We truly never know what tomorrow brings, and capturing your family at this particular time in your life will become more valuable over time. And …
Posted in Family, Livestock, Your Story
Tagged child photographer, childhood unplugged, family, family memories, family portraits, farm kid, Idaho, kids, landscape, on location, outdoor, ranch life, Your story
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Our boy had wanted to show a pig in 4-H ever since he was six years old. Jayten talked about pigs all the time. His first oral presentation contest talk was on the cuts of pork when he was a Cloverbud (not old enough to compete, but could do projects for display). He loved helping his friend with his pigs …
Posted in Agriculture, Blogging, Family, Getting Personal, Livestock
Tagged 4-H, agriculture, country kid, farm kid, livestock, show pig, showing livestock, unplugged childhood