Monthly Archives: October 2013
Yes, he’s a bit of a ham. But, he’s pretty cool too. Little man dressed himself. Perfect excuse for a studio mini-session. Does your little dude have personality too? Call me today, and let’s capture it during an Essence session!

I’m so excited to share these images, and the little announcement about my new take on the cake smash session! I know cake smash sessions have become quite popular in recent years as a way to celebrate a baby’s milestone first birthday. It’s always fun to see the little one’s face when they take that first bite of frosting and …

“Dance as though no one is watching you, Love as though you have never been hurt before, Sing as though no one can hear you, Live as though heaven is on earth.” ― Souza Love her free spirit. Her energy. Her need to dance and sing, to express herself. These images make my heart burst with joy.