Category Essence

Oh little Jack. It was fun to have this little one year old in for a studio session recently. He was just learning to walk. At this stage, babies have so much personality. They are starting to babble too. One of his words was “Alexa!” Mom told me at home he loves to hear Alexa play Baby Shark! We played …

Oh sweetness! I was thrilled to have this seven month old and her big brother in the studio recently. Their grandma is a friend of mine who has done some great work with a community organization I’ve supported. I photographed brother when he was a baby and it was fun to see these siblings together. I truly love all the …

I loved having this family in my studio for this 6 month old girl’s Essence session. She’s grown and changed so much since her newborn session. These Essence Sessions are a simple and quick way to capture personality and milestones of babies and children. It was fun getting mom and dad in the photos too. You can tell they adore their …

One of the reasons I love my baby plan clients is getting to see a little one as they first enter the world as a tiny newborn, then again as a squishy 6 month old. They have grown and changed so much in half a year’s time. By 6 months old, babies are usually smiling, laughing and babbling, grabbing fingers …

Love this little lavender lady of mine! Had some fun times capturing her little personality after she turned two. She’s growing up so much! I was looking back at photos when she first received her glasses; they were so big on her face! She received her first haircut around her birthday too. She’s just starting to look more and more …

Loved having this little guy and his beautiful mama in my studio a couple weeks ago. He’s grown so much since his lifestyle newborn session. A 6 month old baby is one of my favorites to photograph! Babies have discovered their fingers and toes, they are usually sitting by themselves and rolling over as well. And they are definitely smiling …

This little guy is one of my baby planners and these are his 6 month photos. I love being able to capture kids as newborns in a lifestyle session at their home surrounded by their loving family, then again when they have reached that fun sitting, playing with fingers and toes stage, and finally around their first birthday as they …

Six months old is such a fun baby stage. I love capturing all the squishy goodness of babies this age. They are usually sitting or close to it, love to play with their toes, smile and laugh a lot. My baby plan includes this little mini session around 5-7 months or when babies are sitting on their own, but not …

Seriously?! Can you believe how cute this little guy is?! I though he was a sweetie when he was a newborn, but oh my he’s even more adorable now! Love being able to watch little ones grow and change and capture each stage of development. It’s also fun to see how similar or different they may be from a …

Yes, he’s a bit of a ham. But, he’s pretty cool too. Little man dressed himself. Perfect excuse for a studio mini-session. Does your little dude have personality too? Call me today, and let’s capture it during an Essence session!

I’m so excited to share these images, and the little announcement about my new take on the cake smash session! I know cake smash sessions have become quite popular in recent years as a way to celebrate a baby’s milestone first birthday. It’s always fun to see the little one’s face when they take that first bite of frosting and …

Oh I smile every time I see these images. What a beautiful expectant mother! It was so fun to have Eleanor and her sweet little boy out one day to capture this special time in their lives. She was just glowing. And Little E is going to be the best big brother ever! Excited to hear about the arrival of …

Oh my sweet little girl-where do I even begin? You’re a one-year-old now! I can’t believe this year has passed already. I can remember your “birth” day vividly. I had secretly hoped you’d be born this day-it’s also your Great Grandma Janet’s birthday, and your late Great Granddad Bob’s birthday. I had made it through the heat of summer, two …

Guess who’s having a birthday soon?! Thanks to Sammy’s Sweets for the adorable ombre’ smash cake. Stay tuned for more photos and a new Small Business Spotlight!

I loved capturing these studio maternity portraits for a dear friend of mine. It was fun to play around in the studio during an “Essence” session to create some timeless images celebrating this special time in her life as she awaited the birth of her second child. I’ve watched little H grow up these last few years, and I know …

I’ve been photographing Mister H since he was a newborn. It’s so fun to watch clients growing up, and he has been no exception. We had a super fun time during his Essence Studio Mini-Session, capturing not only how much he’s grown and changed during the past year, but also his fun personality. My Essence Studio Mini-sessions may be simpler …

“I have looked into your eyes with my eyes. I have put my heart near your heart.” Pope John XXIII Until I had my last baby, I didn’t know the new recommendations that babies have their first eye exam at 6 months old. In fact, my oldest two didn’t have their eyes checked by an optometrist until they were 9 …

This 15-month-old adorable curly-haired doll was such a joy to have in the studio. An Essence session is a mini-session in my home studio-perfect for cake smashes, milestone birthdays, celebrating a special holiday or business headshots. We kept things simple and focused on capturing the activities she enjoys. Call me for more details and to book an Essence Session. Ages …

I enjoyed photographing this little cutie patootie all year long. It’s so fun to see my little baby planners grow and change throughout the year. And what’s more fun than celebrating his one-year-old birthday with a little cake smash?! Thanks to Sammie’s Sweets for providing the cake. And who doesn’t love a little bubble bath after some cake!! Leave Little …

This little darling was such a delight when she came in for her 6-month-old baby Essence Session! These simple, mini-sessions are perfect for capturing little ones as they grow and change throughout the year, or to mark a holiday or other milestone for older children. Six to eight months is such a fun stage (although I really love all the …

Thank you to a dear friend and talented photographer Christy for sending Baby B these adorable little bloomies. She also included a matching bib and burp rags. So super cute! She knows how much we love purple in this house!

What a fun one year old toddler photo session! Using simple clothing, backgrounds and props, this quick session captured what this little guy loves—playing and his new skill—walking! Essence sessions are mini-sessions meant for one person ages 3 months and up. Perfect for capturing those milestone moments in a child or teen’s life or even a professional business headshot. Sessions …