Category My Everyday
It’s that time of year when we start breeding fall cows. Last week Josh and the kids worked cattle together. It reminded me of the cow work we did in the spring. Basically, it was all the same routine, just a different season. The cows were sorted into different breeding groups and the calves separated from them. It’s much easier …
This is my favorite season! Not only is it time for pumpkin spice everything, apple cider and fall foliage, it’s fall calving time! Our cattle herd is divided into two breeding groups—the spring cows calve January through March. The fall cows calve August through October. And while anytime a new calf is born is cause for celebration, the fall calves …
I cried all the way home. It was the first time that had happened—not the crying, of course, I am admittedly an emotional girl—but it was the first time I cried after a first-day-of-school drop-off. My youngest started kindergarten that day. I knew the day would come. It’s time. She was ready. I was not. I always drive my kids …
“The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy still continue, fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise. The Lord is all I have and so I put my hope in Him.” Lamentations 3:22-24 Sunrises and sunsets remind me of my friend, Julie. Even before she passed away, if I saw a great one, she would come to mind because I …
Welcome to the world, little one! “Duke,” nicknamed Lil’ dude by my youngest, made his appearance Jan. 22. He has been a highly talked about and much anticipated addition to our animal family. My oldest purchased and showed his mother, Olive, last year. She was bred in the fall, then after a five month gestation, became a mom! Of course …
A few months ago I put some of the thoughts swirling around in my head on paper in a personal essay. Usually they just remain on the pages of my journal, but I decided to step out of my comfort zone and share it with others. I want to be an encourager, especially of women, as we all need a …
I do realize it’s already the 5th of January and many people have popped the New Year’s Eve champagne cork, taken down the Christmas tree and are tackling those new year’s resolutions already. Me. Not so much; at least not yet. At first I thought I was behind, but then a dear friend reminded me we are just on the …
Wow, what a crazy Idaho winter we’ve had. We haven’t seen this much snow for awhile. It seems like it’s snowing every day. One day it was coming down so fast, but it didn’t accumulate that much. After that, we got quite the storm, then freezing rain, then more snow. I’ve been trying to get out and shoot all these …
We spent another fun, family weekend on the road at a junior livestock show. It’s a lot of work, but so worth it to see the kids compete, hang out with friends, and have fun. E showed her heifer and two sheep this weekend. She had some tough competition and did a good job. Each time she goes into the …
May was a busy month for sure! We had several end-of-the-year school activities, celebrated two family birthdays, enjoyed a wonderful visit from my parents, picked up the 4-H sheep, attended a cattle show and participated in a livestock clinic. Whew! It was a whirlwind month, but full of memories. Sometimes the only camera I had with me was on my phone, but …
Usually by April we are seeing more signs of spring around the ranch. The grass has greened up, flowers start blooming and the weather gets warmer. My little miss loves helping water the flowers and I couldn’t help capture her trying to wrangle that big ol’ watering can. She was very determined to get it done by herself. I also love …
I didn’t realize a box of Moon Sand on the clearance aisle of a craft store would provide so many hours of imaginative play for our littlest. One day I could hear her talking, drawers opening and closing, and came to inspect. She had set up her own little baking station. She told me all about the cookies she was …
I realize several of “My View” photos from March are from the same scene. I guess I couldn’t pick just one from our trip to the ocean over spring break. It was the first time my kids and I had been to the Oregon Coast. It wasn’t the best of weather, but that didn’t stop them from playing in the water …
I admit since having an iPhone, I use it to capture every day moments of my kiddos a lot more than I did before I had one. You use what you have and what you have with you. I do love having grabbed quick snapshots with my phone. But I also want to get better at picking up my DSLR and …
This year I decided to share some more of the every day moments and views I experience from my little place in this world. Some will be landscape as we live in a beautiful place and I really try to capture and appreciate all the nature around us on our ranch. Others will be of my family and the simple …
Last weekend we loaded up our family and headed down to Reno, Nev., to attend the Western National Angus Futurity. Our oldest daughter would be showing Angus cattle there for the first time and our ranch also had several animals to exhibit. We raise registered seedstock cattle and show them at fairs and national shows to advertise the genetics we …
I was looking through personal photos the other day and came across these. We were vacationing last summer and I was playing around with a new lens. I have to admit I had certain expectations for myself, even though this was my first time with it out of the box. I wanted to create perfection. When I took them all …
I’ve always been a lifestyle photographer. I’ve always captured every day moments of my family and children from their first hours of life because I wanted to document everything. Telling the story has been important to me all my life, and more so now that I have four little ones. Every moment moves quickly and I already forget what I …
Happy 6th Birthday to our little man! He decided he wanted a football birthday as we were having his party on the day of the Superbowl, so it worked out perfectly. He also had a football birthday when he turned three, so I had a few things around I could still use. He asked for Orange Creamsicle Cupcakes, which his …
We love the county fair…sure it’s hot, and dirty, and the days are long, but there truly is something so special about the memories we make as a family and with friends as the culmination of a whole year of preparation for the kids comes to a close. I grew up with many wonderful memories showing horses and cattle in …
Just happened to be looking through some old photos and found this gem…
Baby girl is 6 months old, and I’m hardly believing half her first year has gone by already. She really is a happy baby, smiling at everyone she sees. I love capturing her squishyness now (is that a word?!). She’s playing with her feet now; oh how I love baby feet! Tummy time is more fun now and she’s rolled …
This is my everyday. And I love it. Well, mostly I love it. Maybe I don’t love the messes, but I love this boy and I love capturing his everyday. I love his imagination. I should know after four kids that when the house is quiet, something might be going on. I walked in to find he had taken his …