Tag Archives: cattle

It’s that time of year when we start breeding fall cows. Last week Josh and the kids worked cattle together. It reminded me of the cow work we did in the spring. Basically, it was all the same routine, just a different season. The cows were sorted into different breeding groups and the calves separated from them. It’s much easier …

This is my favorite season! Not only is it time for pumpkin spice everything, apple cider and fall foliage, it’s fall calving time! Our cattle herd is divided into two breeding groups—the spring cows calve January through March. The fall cows calve August through October. And while anytime a new calf is born is cause for celebration, the fall calves …

“The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy still continue, fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise. The Lord is all I have and so I put my hope in Him.” Lamentations 3:22-24 Sunrises and sunsets remind me of my friend, Julie. Even before she passed away, if I saw a great one, she would come to mind because I …

It’s calving time! (Cue the Semisonic lyrics. Anyone else think of It’s Closing Time? Just me? Mkay.) Thankfully it’s been a mild winter so calving this year hasn’t been that hard on the cattle or the guys. Last year there was so much snow and we had to bring many pairs into the barn to calve or right after calving, …

The months of January through March are usually known as the “season of muck” around here. Now last year, we were covered in snow, but it’s more typical to have a winter and spring like this year. We may get a few snowstorms, but it doesn’t last long. If the ground doesn’t freeze, then things get mucky. The ground is …

Currently it’s raining…a far cry from the winter scenes I’m posting here. All the snow is gone and with all the moisture we’ve had lately, everything is green, green, green. Yay! But, it wasn’t that long ago that we didn’t think we’d ever see spring or green grass again. I was asked to submit some photos for a couple different …

It’s always a team effort to get the cattle fit and looking their best on show day. The Hereford Bull show was going on from the other side of the area. Angus on Parade! Love those fluffy ears! This was the last show for this heifer. The pair had a successful show season, but now it’s time for her to …

Wow, what a crazy Idaho winter we’ve had. We haven’t seen this much snow for awhile. It seems like it’s snowing every day. One day it was coming down so fast, but it didn’t accumulate that much. After that, we got quite the storm, then freezing rain, then more snow. I’ve been trying to get out and shoot all these …

Leaving the Interstate, the exit sign read Paradise Valley. And as I reached the ranch where I was photographing, there was no denying that was an accurate description of the place where my clients live and work. Not being an Idaho native, I am still struck by the beauty of this state I now call home. Even after living here 13 …

Last weekend we loaded up our family and headed down to Reno, Nev., to attend the Western National Angus Futurity. Our oldest daughter would be showing Angus cattle there for the first time and our ranch also had several animals to exhibit. We raise registered seedstock cattle and show them at fairs and national shows to advertise the genetics we …

We love the county fair…sure it’s hot, and dirty, and the days are long, but there truly is something so special about the memories we make as a family and with friends as the culmination of a whole year of preparation for the kids comes to a close. I grew up with many wonderful memories showing horses and cattle in …