Tag Archives: childhood

We moms—we women—put so much pressure on ourselves. We’re bombarded with choices to make for ourselves and our children the minute the pregnancy test shows two pink lines. Breast or bottle, work outside or stay home with the kids, jarred baby food or homemade, co-sleep or crib, cloth or disposable diapers—the list truly goes on… and on… And …

I cried all the way home. It was the first time that had happened—not the crying, of course, I am admittedly an emotional girl—but it was the first time I cried after a first-day-of-school drop-off. My youngest started kindergarten that day. I knew the day would come. It’s time. She was ready. I was not. I always drive my kids …

A few months ago I put some of the thoughts swirling around in my head on paper in a personal essay. Usually they just remain on the pages of my journal, but I decided to step out of my comfort zone and share it with others. I want to be an encourager, especially of women, as we all need a …

Aww, such a sweet family. It’s always fun getting them in front of my camera, capturing the girls’ personalities and the love they have for each other. As a Nampa, Idaho, family photographer, I find out what kind of session my clients want during our initial consultation. We spend time visiting about what the family (usually mom) wants out of …