Tag Archives: children

Oh little Jack. It was fun to have this little one year old in for a studio session recently. He was just learning to walk. At this stage, babies have so much personality. They are starting to babble too. One of his words was “Alexa!” Mom told me at home he loves to hear Alexa play Baby Shark! We played …

I cried all the way home. It was the first time that had happened—not the crying, of course, I am admittedly an emotional girl—but it was the first time I cried after a first-day-of-school drop-off. My youngest started kindergarten that day. I knew the day would come. It’s time. She was ready. I was not. I always drive my kids …

Oh sweetness! I was thrilled to have this seven month old and her big brother in the studio recently. Their grandma is a friend of mine who has done some great work with a community organization I’ve supported. I photographed brother when he was a baby and it was fun to see these siblings together. I truly love all the …

Oh the many faces this girl makes crack me up! She’s not lacking personality. I want to capture it all—the smile, the silly, the stinker face, the serious! It’s all part of who she is. These childhood sessions are so fun because I can just let the kids be and they show me so much expression. These wild sunflowers always …

We had a blast during this outdoor children’s photo session with my littlest. I love me some golden light! I also love the curiosity and spunkiness of this little girl. She definitely keeps me on my toes for sure! This is such a fun age to capture the expressions of little ones. Their personality just shines through. This one is …

I’ve enjoyed photographing this family for a few years now, watching them welcome their first son, then their second. They both own small businesses, and I was thrilled when they first contacted me to schedule a newborn session. They had never had a family session and it worked out perfectly to schedule one for the end of fall. Enjoy the …

Aww, such a sweet family. It’s always fun getting them in front of my camera, capturing the girls’ personalities and the love they have for each other. As a Nampa, Idaho, family photographer, I find out what kind of session my clients want during our initial consultation. We spend time visiting about what the family (usually mom) wants out of …

Oh I love this family! I’ve known Deanna for years and have enjoyed watching her family grow and change. This was the first time we’d done a lifestyle photography session at their home since they welcomed their second son. I loved being able to capture the boys in their element, building with Legos, wrestling with Dad, and playing with a …

Oh, this girl. She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes. We’ve said that about her since day one and we can’t imagine our life without her. She definitely brings a liveliness to our family. I love her smile and her laugh. I can’t believe she hit double digits this spring. Where has the time gone? I have to admit …

I just can’t apologize for the cuteness overload with this little guy! So very thankful for clients who seek me out, trust me to capture their loved ones through my images and love the products I create for them! It brings me so much joy to share my talents with others! This guy is just the cutest! I loved having he …

At first I titled this post Little Cowboy, but my boy is less little and more kid. Sure, he’ll always be my little boy, but I can see some growth over last year. He was excited to have some updated birthday pictures done this year. One thing I’ve found when photographing my own kids is to let less of my …

I didn’t realize a box of Moon Sand on the clearance aisle of a craft store would provide so many hours of imaginative play for our littlest. One day I could hear her talking, drawers opening and closing, and came to inspect. She had set up her own little baking station. She told me all about the cookies she was …

I realize several of “My View” photos from March are from the same scene. I guess I couldn’t pick just one from our trip to the ocean over spring break. It was the first time my kids and I had been to the Oregon Coast. It wasn’t the best of weather, but that didn’t stop them from playing in the water …

I loved having this family in my studio for this 6 month old girl’s Essence session. She’s grown and changed so much since her newborn session. These Essence Sessions are a simple and quick way to capture personality and milestones of babies and children. It was fun getting mom and dad in the photos too. You can tell they adore their …

I admit since having an iPhone, I use it to capture every day moments of my kiddos a lot more than I did before I had one. You use what you have and what you have with you. I do love having grabbed quick snapshots with my phone. But I also want to get better at picking up my DSLR and …

Every baby is a miracle, and this newborn baby boy is no exception. He has captured the hearts of his family from Day 1. I was excited to photograph his lifestyle newborn session at home with his parents and adorable older brother, who I also had the pleasure of photographing. It’s especially rewarding working with repeat clients because I get to …

One of the most fun parts of photographing littles is seeing how they grow and change, and that’s why I especially love my baby plan clients. I got to capture the brand new babe with wrinkled hands and tiny toes in the loving arms of his parents, then a chubby, smiley 6-month-old followed by the toddling, sometimes wobbly one-year-old with his sense of …

Full of life. Full of personality. Full of energy. That’s her! She’s brought so much joy to our family and we can’t imagine life without this little three-year-old. I love this age, not only with my own kids, but also with others. They just have this wonder and awe about everything around them. Being an outdoor lifestyle child photographer allows …

I was looking through personal photos the other day and came across these. We were vacationing last summer and I was playing around with a new lens. I have to admit I had certain expectations for myself, even though this was my first time with it out of the box. I wanted to create perfection. When I took them all …

Love this little lavender lady of mine! Had some fun times capturing her little personality after she turned two. She’s growing up so much! I was looking back at photos when she first received her glasses; they were so big on her face! She received her first haircut around her birthday too. She’s just starting to look more and more …

I’ve always been a lifestyle photographer. I’ve always captured every day moments of my family and children from their first hours of life because I wanted to document everything. Telling the story has been important to me all my life, and more so now that I have four little ones. Every moment moves quickly and I already forget what I …

Happy 6th Birthday to our little man! He decided he wanted a football birthday as we were having his party on the day of the Superbowl, so it worked out perfectly. He also had a football birthday when he turned three, so I had a few things around I could still use. He asked for Orange Creamsicle Cupcakes, which his …

This little guy is one of my baby planners and these are his 6 month photos. I love being able to capture kids as newborns in a lifestyle session at their home surrounded by their loving family, then again when they have reached that fun sitting, playing with fingers and toes stage, and finally around their first birthday as they …

I was going through images today and happened upon these of my babies, and it shows the brotherly love this guy has for his baby sister. Oh how he adores her! With the big sisters in school full time, these two get to spend a lot of time at home together and they are buddies. Love how sweet he is …

Yes, he’s a bit of a ham. But, he’s pretty cool too. Little man dressed himself. Perfect excuse for a studio mini-session. Does your little dude have personality too? Call me today, and let’s capture it during an Essence session!

Guess who’s having a birthday soon?! Thanks to Sammy’s Sweets for the adorable ombre’ smash cake. Stay tuned for more photos and a new Small Business Spotlight!

We spent last week at our local county fair. What a fun, exhausting, memorable week! More photos to come, but this pretty much sums up our week.

I have been photographing this family since big brother was a newborn, and it’s been such a great experience to watch their family grow. Baby M’s arrival was much anticipated and prayed for dearly by his family. Such a miracle! He was so tiny, a little over 5 pounds at birth! I loved being able to capture he and his …

There are no days in life so memorable as those which vibrated to some stroke of the imagination. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Using imagination and playing pretend are the essence of childhood. And capturing children and their personalities brings me such joy. This little cowboy rides his stick horse, and his rocking horse every day. He’d ride his own real …