Tag Archives: on location

While we may be a long way from Texas, the Longhorn breed reminiscent of cattle drives and western movies has found a home in the Gem State. “I had always wanted some Longhorns,” says Nick Noyes of Running N Longhorns in Fruitland. “I kept seeing a herd along the highway in Rigby and finally decided to buy some. Our family …

It’s that time of year when lots of families are thinking about scheduling fall family portraits. I think if 2020 has taught us anything—as if we didn’t know it before—it is that life is unpredictable. We truly never know what tomorrow brings, and capturing your family at this particular time in your life will become more valuable over time. And …

As an Idaho newborn lifestyle photographer, I love capturing baby nursery details. From the ultrasound photo and first books to the photo on the wall of her daddy as a young boy, Miss A’s sweet little room has personal touches everywhere. I encourage clients to find something meaningful like a blanket or keepsake to use in their sessions. Those personal …

I love being an Idaho baby photographer and have photographed this little cutie since she was a bump in her mama’s belly. How can it be there she’s a year old already?! It was fun to capture her early toddling steps and see how’s she’s grown and changed since her newborn and six month sessions. I love that her mama …

Fun couple. Check. Gorgeous setting. Check. Beautiful weather. Check. Bug spray. Check. (It is mosquito season, after all! LOL!) Michelle is a hop farmer, and our ties to agriculture brought us together. I love meeting other farmers and ranchers, and learning about what they do. We got together for an event she was hosting (stay tuned for those images) and …

When I think of the one person who knows boutique fashion, it’s this gal! She’s a rockstar! I love Jessie’s style, or more importantly, the confidence she has in her style. Plus, she’s down to earth, an awesome boss babe and a great cattlewoman. I’ve been fortunate to work with her professionally and to call her a friend. We got …

It’s always fun meeting new clients and this family was a great bunch to hang out with for an afternoon. Nanci is a dear childhood friend of my mother-in-law’s and has followed my work for years. I was excited when she contacted me as her family would be home for holidays. Nanci’s daughter, Chelsea, and family live in California, so …

Had the sweetest maternity session with this beautiful soon-to-be mama. She just has that glow about her. I had seen glimpses of the nursery, but was blown away with all the sweet, personal touches she combined to make a special place to bring baby girl home. More images of the nursery details to come. I’ve said this before, but there …

This senior girl session was near and dear to my heart as I’ve known this beauty since she was around 3 years old. I’m thankful for the wonderful friendships and special people in my life these years since I planted roots in Idaho. I had such a great time with Miss R and her mom during this senior girl session …

This sweet newborn baby boy was such a joy to photograph. Most of my subjects this summer have been kids, cattle and sheep as we’ve been traveling to shows for the past few months. ;0) (And yes, still need to edit/post those photos.) It’s fun capturing those moments for sure, but anytime I can meet a new little one and …

We have a teenager in the house. Well, we have had one for six months now, but we’ll not talk about me being behind on posting sessions again. Mkay, moving on. She’s always been pretty mature for her age, yet there is a childlike quality about her too. Thank goodness! Don’t grow up too fast sweet girl. She’s not afraid …

We had a blast during this outdoor children’s photo session with my littlest. I love me some golden light! I also love the curiosity and spunkiness of this little girl. She definitely keeps me on my toes for sure! This is such a fun age to capture the expressions of little ones. Their personality just shines through. This one is …

I’ve enjoyed photographing this family for a few years now, watching them welcome their first son, then their second. They both own small businesses, and I was thrilled when they first contacted me to schedule a newborn session. They had never had a family session and it worked out perfectly to schedule one for the end of fall. Enjoy the …

Aww, such a sweet family. It’s always fun getting them in front of my camera, capturing the girls’ personalities and the love they have for each other. As a Nampa, Idaho, family photographer, I find out what kind of session my clients want during our initial consultation. We spend time visiting about what the family (usually mom) wants out of …

It’s so hard to choose favorites from this senior girl session because they were all amazing! The location, the light, the senior girl! I have watched this young woman grow up and it’s hard to believe she’s about to graduate high school. She’s beautiful both inside and out. She has a heart for helping others and wants to be a …

Oh I love this family! I’ve known Deanna for years and have enjoyed watching her family grow and change. This was the first time we’d done a lifestyle photography session at their home since they welcomed their second son. I loved being able to capture the boys in their element, building with Legos, wrestling with Dad, and playing with a …

This sweet couple was gifted an engagement session recently so we met up at mutual friend’s farm. I enjoyed visiting with them about how they met, how wedding planning was going and what they look forward to once they become husband and wife. Congratulations Dillon and Sara; I wish you the very best as you take this next step in …

Oh, this girl. She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes. We’ve said that about her since day one and we can’t imagine our life without her. She definitely brings a liveliness to our family. I love her smile and her laugh. I can’t believe she hit double digits this spring. Where has the time gone? I have to admit …

It’s hard not to love the images from this family photography session—so much fun, so much love. Can’t help but feel thankful working with great clients and watching their family grow through the years!

What does the tagline Capturing Your Lifestyle mean? It means truly embracing who you or your family are and being able to tell YOUR story through images. It’s a new mom taking in the smell of her brand new baby and the big sister beaming with pride as she holds her sister for the first time. It’s your sons’ impromptu …

Every baby is a miracle, and this newborn baby boy is no exception. He has captured the hearts of his family from Day 1. I was excited to photograph his lifestyle newborn session at home with his parents and adorable older brother, who I also had the pleasure of photographing. It’s especially rewarding working with repeat clients because I get to …

Being an on location child photographer allows me the freedom to work with each client and truly capture who they are and where they live and love. We had so much fun capturing these images of Mackenzie to celebrate her turning 12. I love planning sessions with kids as we get such fun and natural images when they help share their …

Leaving the Interstate, the exit sign read Paradise Valley. And as I reached the ranch where I was photographing, there was no denying that was an accurate description of the place where my clients live and work. Not being an Idaho native, I am still struck by the beauty of this state I now call home. Even after living here 13 …

One of the most fun parts of photographing littles is seeing how they grow and change, and that’s why I especially love my baby plan clients. I got to capture the brand new babe with wrinkled hands and tiny toes in the loving arms of his parents, then a chubby, smiley 6-month-old followed by the toddling, sometimes wobbly one-year-old with his sense of …

A lifestyle newborn photography session from Maggie Malson Photography is the perfect way to capture your new little one’s first few days. You don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home because I come to you! Family and baby are usually much more relaxed for these sessions. I capture all the baby details, as well as the in-between …

The reason I do this; the reason I love photography is the opportunity to tell stories. Stories of hope. Kyle’s story is definitely one of hope. Last summer, 17-year-old Kyle decided to use his upcoming senior project to give back to an organization that helped he and his family through a difficult time as he faced a …

So, you’ve decided you want a family portrait session. Now what?! Here are some family photo session tips to consider. Studio vs. On location. The first thing I recommend is deciding what type of portrait you want. Are you looking for a studio setting or something on location? I know many studio photographers who are amazing at what they do. I …

I’m excited to share this newborn lifestyle photography session from this sweet family! I met Karli through another photographer and a mutual friend, Amber. Those two girlies are best friends, and I can see why. They are some of the most genuine, easiest-to-talk to ladies I’ve ever met. I feel like we can visit about anything, even though we …